A digital layer of brand protection for your supply chain

You’ve worked hard to earn customer trust and loyalty. Systech helps keep your products authentic, safe and connected from the packaging line to the consumers hands.

Individual product identity is the key

When each product is digitally identified at the item level, we begin to have a tangible layer of protection for that product as it moves through the supply chain. Our identification solutions provide this foundational layer to equip brands with a consistent starting point.

Better traceability = better protection

Systech offers item serialization with associated case and pallet aggregation for seamless traceability. We equip your supply chain to be secure and responsive.

Authentication through barcodes

Our digital e-Fingerprint® technology delivers a non-additive item-level authentication solution, based on an existing package barcode. Armed with a simple smartphone app, supply chain partners and field inspectors can help brands find counterfeits und detect diversion in real time. The immediacy of discovery helps to quickly shut down illicit vendors, and quickly patch the supply chain holes where products left their intended distribution path.

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WEBINAR | June 6th at 10am EST/4pm CET

Pharma supply chain insights to action

with IDC Analysts

Exclusive data-driven session on “Solving the Critical Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Challenges” with the latest research findings on industry trends and innovative technologies to address market needs.