We are finally seeing major progress for vaccines to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

With general distribution dates anticipated in late 2020 or into 2021, the safety and security of these drugs’ supply chain needs to be paramount. Knowing if the vaccine is authentic before providing the dose will be extremely important.

Manufacturers have many decisions to make in preparing for the widespread distribution and dispensation of vaccines to ensure patient safety.

In this article from World Pharma Today, Steve Tallant, Senior Director at Systech, talks about solutions that leverage existing packaging to solve for potential counterfeiting including a novel innovative e-Fingerprint(R) technology.

Read the full article here.

WEBINAR | June 6th at 10am EST/4pm CET

Pharma supply chain insights to action

with IDC Analysts

Exclusive data-driven session on “Solving the Critical Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Challenges” with the latest research findings on industry trends and innovative technologies to address market needs.